Thursday, November 27, 2008

how do i make biodiesel - Making Biodesiel How To

Biodiesel is bio-degradable, clean-burning, non-toxic, and works in any diesel engine without modifications. There is growing interest in the development of biodiesel fuel as more and more positive benefits are found for this alternative fuel source.

And bio-diesel fuel can be domestically grown, eliminating our dependence on foreign oil. Since it is made in the USA from renewable resources such as soybeans, its use decreases our dependence on foreign oil and contributes to our own economy. An engine that runs on biodiesel is much healthier so the saving is not just by the biodiesel cost compared to petrodiesel but by the maintenance costs.

Only diesel engines that have natural rubber parts instead of synthetic rubber parts cannot use biodiesel, but these engines are not as common as the engines that can use the biodiesel. All this oil, fat, and grease will need to be processed in a specialized processor which removes any contaminates before it refines the oil into biodiesel fuel. Although there are many alternative sources of fuels that are emerging in the market, biodiesel is winning votes and creating quite a following.

Instead of destroying forests maybe we should look to new more green raw materials for producing biofuels. Developing a dependence on traditional first generation biocrops may result in food competing with fuel over the use of land.

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