Saturday, November 8, 2008

bad things about biodiesel The Essentials

As the price of gas continues to rise and our reliance on it becomes greater a small group of people have begun making biodiesel fuel at home as a way to free them selves of the energy crunch that is looming on the horizon. If you run a diesel engine and are familiar with biodiesel fuel blends you might want to give it a try.

A great many biodiesel producers great their raw material from restaurant grease dumpsters as most restaurants are only to happy to get rid of the stuff. The regular diesel has components such as sulfur and aromatics. In fact studies on engines that were converted from regular diesel have shown that using biodiesel cleans away the deposits and residue the regular fuel leaves behind, leading to better fuel economy.

Most agree that there are potential environmental and health benefits to be realized by biodiesel producers, suppliers, and users. Biodiesel refers to a type of processed fuel that can be derived from biological sources. It was first created when scientists started doing research into the possibility of using corn and soybean oils in the production of an alternative fuel source.

We need to determine what the true balance is between good and bad from an environmental perspective. Biodiesel is available anywhere in the States.

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