Biodiesels make cold starting of vehicles easier because of its high octane ignition rate that makes it heat up more easily than petroleum diesel. One of the alternatives found to have promise is the production of biodiesel.
Fuel-grade biodiesel must be produced to strict industry specifications in order to insure proper performance. The esterified oil can be exploited to energize the unmodified diesel engines. In cold place weather, water freezes to form ice crystals which accelerate the gelling of the residual fuel.
Even if there is an oil spill, the amount of harm will be negligible as compared to an oil spill from a normal source. The vegetable will need to be run through a biodiesel processor which converts the oil into a fuel that can be used in diesel engines. In colder climates, biodiesel tends to lose viscosity, particularly at higher blend levels.
Scientific research confirms that biodiesel exhaust has a less harmful impact on humans. The Biotech Industry has begun to help with the need to find alternative fuel sources for the future by looking at how to get more from less.