Monday, February 2, 2009

biodiesel forum - BioDiesel Making Basics

Biodiesel is one of the most thoroughly tested alternative fuels on the market. Biodiesel is bio-degradable, clean-burning, non-toxic, and works in any diesel engine without modifications.

There are many reasons biodiesel will benefit our planet and the energy issues we are starting to face. Many people who produce biodiesel in small processors in their backyards get most of their raw materials from business such as restaurants that produce large amounts of vegetable oil waste. Biodiesel processing is a type of refining and high temperatures are involved so you need to be careful to avoid the risk of serious burns.

There is also ongoing research into using sewage grow algae which is then used in the refining process. Used vegetable oils along with sewage are all being used to produce biodiesel these days. In USA, the IRS has started offering tax incentives to institutions and individuals that produce and use biodiesel.

Any reduction in gasoline prices brings a relief of a few pennies, however the escalation is never less than a few dollars. Biodiesel will gel in very cold temperatures.

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